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Hawken School’s Varsity Sports Pioneers (1961-1969)

Hawken’s Upper School opened in the fall of 1961, welcoming 65 boys in the 9th  and 10th grades, who  had moved from the Lyndhurst campus to Gates Mills, the site of the former Circle W Farm. The campus included a very modest new academic building and a new gym with locker rooms built into the old stables.

To start the new school, two Lyndhurst teacher/coaches moved with the boys to assume key leadership positions and to establish the school’s first interscholastic sports program. Peter Relic (age 25) was named head of the Upper School and became the first varsity football and baseball coach. Rodger Rickard (age 27) became director of athletics, in addition to coaching Hawken’s first soccer, basketball, and track teams.

During its first year, Hawken could only field junior varsity and freshman teams, but by 1962, they added varsity sports. Virtually every student had to play on at least two teams during the school year just to make the program viable. Everything about the varsity experience was new: the farm’s polo fields converted to sports fields with no bleachers, teacher-coaches, rival schools, uniforms, Hawken jackets, and even the Hawk nickname.

Those first three varsity seasons saw more losses than victories, but something more important was happening. The students came to understand that they were representing a brand-new school, on a mission to make its mark on Cleveland. This was the  beginning of the program that would eventually become Hawken Athletics.


These athletes and contributors are honored as a group not only for their individual accomplishments, but also for their collective role  in establishing and building our proud varsity athletic tradition. They are true “Hawken Pioneers.

Hawken Athletics Hall of Fame

Sports Pioneers (1964–1969)

Peter D. Relic, Coach

Rodger S. Rickard, Coach

John C. Lightbody ’64

G. Russell Lincoln ’64

Martin W. Feller ’65

K. P. Horsburgh, Jr. ’65

Charles N. Jordan, Jr. ’65

Donald H. Martin II ’65

F. William Ruple III ’65

Hamilton F. Biggar V ’66

Dana de Windt ’66

Christopher K. Jones ’66

J. Albert Klauss ’66

Fred Wendel III ’67

Carl Fazio, Jr. ’68

Christopher L. Fusco ’68

Dudley S. Humphrey, Jr. ’68

Kerry D. Safier ’68

James B. Austin ’69

Daniel D. Hyatt ’69

H. William Strong III ’69

Established in 2014, The Athletics Hall of Fame recognizes select student-athletes, coaches, and contributors who have best represented the ideals and values we hold dear in Hawken Athletics.

The mission of the Hawken School Athletics Hall of Fame is to recognize exemplary individuals who have made significant and honorable contributions to Hawken School Athletics; to honor those who have demonstrated the highest standards of character, leadership, sportsmanship, and Fair Play through engagement in Hawken Athletics and beyond; and to inspire others to aspire to the achievements, values, and ideals of Hawken School Athletics.  

Mission & Guidelines

The mission, structure, process, and by-laws that will guide the Hawken School Athletics Hall of Fame were formulated by a Hall of Fame Committee, and approved by our Head of School. 


  • To recognize those exemplary Student-Athletes, Coaches and Contributors who have made significant and honorable contributions to the history of Hawken School athletics.
  • To honor those who have demonstrated the highest standards of character, leadership, sportsmanship and Fair Play through engagement in Hawken athletics and beyond.
  • To encourage others to aspire to the achievements, values and ideals of Hawken School athletics.

Nomination Criteria
Student-athletes who are nominated should have distinguished themselves in the field of athletics while at Hawken School; additional accomplishments of note may be considered. Evaluation will also be based on the student-athlete’s alignment with the mission and values of Hawken and its Athletic Hall of Fame. Student-athlete nominees must be 5 years removed from graduation in order to be considered.

Coaches & Contributors
Individuals nominated in the coach and contributor categories should exemplify Hawken School’s mission and that of the Hall of Fame. Consideration encompasses those who have shown extraordinary dedication to Hawken Athletics. Additional noteworthy accomplishments will be considered. Contributors may include faculty, staff, administrators, volunteers and other members of the Hawken community.

2023 Hall of Fame inductees


2022 Hall of Fame inductees


Frank Brandt


Katherine Creighton Bender '88


Brian DeMell '01


Dan Goldstein '96

2021 Hall of Fame inductees


Tedric "Ted" B. Bryan '86


Mary Toomey Clyde '79


Matthew C. Koren '03


John A. Leathers '72


2019 Hall of Fame Inductees

  • Rick Stacy - Coaching
  • Lori Shulman '95 - Tennis, Basketball, Softball
  • James Pullin '99 - Swimming, Cross Country
  • Sarah Ralston '86 - Swimming, Track
  • Larry Hauserman '75 - Football, Wrestling, Baseball
  • William Talley Jr. '76 - Football, Basketball, Baseball

2018 Hall of Fame Inductees

  • Brittany L. Strumbel '08 - Swimming, Soccer
  • Marla Esgar Robbins '75 - Volleyball, Tennis, Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball, Coaching
  • David C. Henkel '88 - Football, Swimming, Baseball, Track
  • Thomas A. Hall '72 - Football, Wrestling
  • Bradric T. Bryan '83 - Soccer, Basketball, Baseball

2017 Hall of Fame Inductees

  • Jeffery T. Walton '99 - Football, Wrestling, Track, Lacrosse
  • Victor Schmelzer '74 - Basketball
  • Alan L. MacCracken Jr., Ph.D '54 - Baseball Coach, Basketball, Football Announcer
  • Timothy F. Hable '73 - Swimming
  • Sarah D. Dorenkott Pearson '06 - Swimming, Track
  • Robert J. Anslow Jr. '77 - Swimming

2016 Hall of Fame Inductees

  • J. Albert Klauss '66 - Football, Wrestling, Baseball, Track
  • Maurice E. Gray '86 - Basketball
  • Jane Esselstyn '83 - Swimming
  • Byron Davis '88 - Swimming
  • Ginger Theis Daly '92 - Tennis, Basketball, Softball
  • Anthony Cowsette '93 - Football, Basketball, Track
  • Damon Butler '98 - Soccer, Track

2015 Hall of Fame Inductees

  • Brook Turner '04 - Track, Cross Country
  • Erica L. Rose '00 - Swimming
  • J. Robert Riser '72 - Football, Basketball, Track
  • Murphy R. Reinschreiber, Jr. '71 - Swimming
  • John C. Lightbody '64 - Football, Basketball, Baseball
  • Tom B. Bryan - Athletic Director

2014 Hall of Fame Inductees

  • Melanie Valerio '87 - Swimming
  • Cliff Walton - Football and Wrestling Coach
  • Alyssa Kiel '05 - Swimming
  • Jerry Holtrey - Boys and Girls Swimming Coach
  • O.J. McDuffie '88 - Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track
  • Eric Hamilton '82 - Football, Basketball, Track