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Prospective Student Inquiry
Hawken School is a proud partner of Positive Coaching Alliance. 
Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) develops thorough resources for youth and high school sports coaches, parents, administrators, and student-athletes. In addition to 1,500+ free audio-video and printable tips and tools at, PCA has partnered with roughly 3,500 schools and youth sports organizations nationwide to deliver live group workshops, online courses and books by PCA Founder Jim Thompson that help those involved in youth and high school sports create a positive, character-building youth sports culture.
Both independently and in conjunction with the Chagrin Valley Conference, Hawken has provided workshops for students, coaches, and parents at the youth, middle school, and upper school levels. Our workshops have included:
  • The Double-Goal Coach®, who strives to win while also pursuing the more important goal of teaching life lessons through sports
  • The Second-Goal Parent®, who concentrates on life lessons, while letting coaches and athletes focus on competing
  • The Triple-Impact Competitor®, who strives to impact sport on three levels by improving oneself, teammates and the game as a whole